Dr. Viviana Sokol, MD

  Medicine That Can "Touch" Your Soul

Is It Really Osteoarthritis, or Could It Be Something Else?
Written by Dr. Viviana Sokol, February 19, 2024
osteoarthritis, knee pain, joint pain
This is the story of Wilma (name and photo changed for confidentiality). When she came to see me she was in her early eighties. She was complaining of a minimal acute condition, but during her review of systems and medical history, I found she had been diagnosed with severe bilateral osteoarthritis for which she was scheduled to have a right knee replacement in a few weeks and would have the left one replaced some months later. She had severe pain and difficulty in performing any mobility related activities, such as sitting down, standing up from a chair, or walking. 

In addition to taking care of her primary complaint, I offered to perform some non-invasive and gentle treatment to help her with functional mobility. I also explained some simple exercises that she could perform at home by herself. I then scheduled her for a followup in three weeks for the primary complaint.

When she came back, I noticed that her walking was a little better. She wanted me to do more treatment for her knees since she stated that her pain had decreased from 10/10 to about 6/10. After this treatment, she came back the following week almost pain free and with good functional mobility.  Several days later she told me that she cancelled her surgical appointment because she felt it was no longer necessary.

Many people who experience knee pain are diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and the typical treatment for such a condition is medication and/or surgery.  But sometimes, it is not really osteoarthritis.  Instead, it can be severe restriction of the fascia in the leg, hip and knee areas that causes pressure on the joints.  The treatment for pain caused by restricted fascia is known as myo-fascial release, a gentle non-invasive method that helps to loosen fascia and relieve pressure on the joints.

If you're having severe knee pain (or any other kind of pain) and would like to know if I can help you, please feel free to contact me so we can discuss your condition and assess if this type of treatment may work for you.

Viviana Sokol, MD, OTR/L

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Dr Viviana Sokol
©2025 Healing Medicine, LLC
Dr. Viviana Sokol
4300 N. University Drive, Suite D-100
Lauderhill, FL 33351