Dr. Viviana Sokol, MD
  Medicine That Can "Touch" Your Soul
Can Chronic Pain Be Alleviated Without the Use of Drugs, Injections, or Surgery?
Written by Dr. Viviana Sokol, February 19, 2024
Not long ago, I received a patient who was experiencing an upper respiratory infection. During the review of systems, she mentioned that she had been having a “chronic atypical migraine” on the right side of the head, that could not be resolved. 

She had this migraine for over three years, and explained that she had been seen by a couple of neurologists. She also said that in the last year she developed a sharp pain in her right ear, for which she was referred to an ear-nose-throat specialist. However, the pain could not be resolved even though she was treated with two courses of antibiotics and with anti-fungal medications. She mentioned that she still had “a kind of pain and discomfort” in her right ear.

I offered to perform what I described as a gentle manipulation, known as myo-fascial release.  Immediately after this treatment, she stated that "it felt like something was released from my right shoulder and arm”.

I explained some myo-fascial release techniques she could perform at home, and scheduled another visit in two weeks. When she came back for followup, she stated that her migraine was totally gone and even her right ear was normal.

This is just one recent example out of many over the years, where an alternate method such as myo-fascial release was used to permanently alleviate a chronic medical condition.

Viviana Sokol, MD, OTR/L

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Dr Viviana Sokol
©2025 Healing Medicine, LLC
Dr. Viviana Sokol
4300 N. University Drive, Suite D-100
Lauderhill, FL 33351